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25 Og led os ikke ind i fristelse

Er det synd at blive fristet?
Heb. 2.17-18; Heb. 4.15

26 Frister Gud nogen til at synde? Hvad er det vi fristes igennem?
Jak. 1.12-15
kommentar: The rebellious purpose formed in the heart needs not expression by word or act to consummate the sin, and bring the soul into condemnation. The unlawful word or deed is but the fruition of the evil which has taken root in the heart; the outward evidence that temptation has prevailed, and hell has triumphed. Says the apostle, Every man is tempted [that is, enters into temptation] when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. God has provided the means by which we may resist temptation. These are the study of his word, and earnest prayer. In his encounters with the prince of darkness our Saviour prefaced every answer with the words, It is written. It was the word of God that vanquished Satan. Those who make that word their study are arming themselves with weapons of divine power against the attacks of the foe. Thy word, said the psalmist, have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. {ST, March 9, 1882 par. 10}

The prince of this world cometh, saith Jesus, and hath nothing in Me. There was in Him nothing that responded to Satans sophistry. He did not consent to sin. Not even by a thought did He yield to temptation. So it may be with us. Christs humanity was united with divinity; He was fitted for the conflict by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And He came to make us partakers of the divine nature. So long as we are united to Him by faith, sin has no more dominion over us. God reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay fast hold upon the divinity of Christ, that we may attain to perfection of character. {CD 152-153}

27 Hvordan kan vi komme i en tilstand hvor vi som Jesus kan erfare at denne verdens fyrste... har ingenting i mig?
Rom. kap. 6 (spec. v. 11-12); Rom. 13.14

28 Hvad mere kan vi gøre for at undgå at blive unødvendig ledet ind i fristelse?
Salm. 1.1-2; Ordspr. 27.17

29 Hvordan kan vi forebygge at falde i fristelse?
Job 31.1; Dan. 1.8

30 Hvor alvorlig må vi gå til værks når det gælder at undgå at falde i fristelse?
Matt. 5.29-30

31 men fri os fra det onde

Hvad var det onde Jesus kom for at fri os fra?
Matt. 1.21

32 Hvad er det som gør os fri fra det onde?
Joh. 8.31-36

33 Friheden i Gud strækker sig længere end bare at blive gjort fri fra synd. Hvad siger følgende skriftsted om dette?
Judas, v. 24

34 34. Hvad siger disse skriftsteder om forskellen pĂĄ indre og ydre frihed (fred)?
Matt. 16.33; Rom. 5.1

35 Findes der et håb om at opleve fuldstændig frihed og fred - både ydre og indre?
Ă…b. 21.1-7